The ICFProVIP Project

Publicat de WebmasterLSDV în: 2010-09-03

The High School for the Visually Impaired Cluj-Napoca organizes on the 6th-9th september 2010 the meeting inside the partnership project Leonardo da Vinci, entitled ICFProViP - International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Visually Impaired People.
The project is financed by the European Union, and it is part of Lifelong Learning Programme and it facilitates the meeting of 30 specialists in the domain of sight deficiencies from seven european partner countries.
At the meeting will participate, as a special guest, DR. Nicoleta Molnar, headmaster of the General Direction for Social Assistance and Child Protection Cluj.
As a consequence of being a member of ENVITER - European Network for Vision Impairment Training, Education and Research, obtained in 2008, The Highschool for the Visually Impaired Cluj-Napoca is part of a series of European projects.
In July 2010, our institution became a partner of the project ICFProViP - International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Visually Impaired People, besides other six similar european institutions for the visually impaired persons, from countries such as: Bulgary, France, Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, as partners, and Denmark, as co-ordinator.
The project goes on for two years, from July 2010, till July 2012, and has as a main purpose the establishing of new projects of co-operation in the domain of utilizing and applying the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Visually Impaired People.

Written by Cornelia Codreanu

Translated by Ioana Albu